Friday, January 04, 2008


Here's my ICE complaint -

My 5 month old son had an appt with Dr M at the Blue Clinic on 4Jan08. I wanted to speak to someone about adjusting the dosage of my son’s Zantac because his spitup has increased significantly to include several instances of projectile vomiting. Apparently Dr M doesn’t believe in giving a child Zantac and told me to switch his formula to something like Neutraginamin. I attempted to explain that without the Zantac my child stops eating mid-feed, arches his back and cries out in pain. Dr M just continued telling me about changing the formula for my son. He had no intention of listening to anything I had to say. There are several books and articles that ALL state that if the child shows signs of pain while eating such as arching the back, stopping eating and crying out then medical treatment is necessary. It has also been mentioned that not all babies with reflux that need medical intervention fail to gain weight. Often they continue to feed and over feed because the formula acts as a buffer keeping the stomach acid away from the windpipe.

I calmly told him I wasn’t going to switch formulas, his formula is just fine. At that point he asked if I wanted to see someone else. I again tried to explain that he is in pain, cries, arches his back and stops eating without the meds and he told me I needed to make an appt with the Peds doctor for the Blue Clinic and started to walk out. He then called down the hall to the nurse and said “I can’t help them can you make an appointment with Dr K.” I still needed assistance even if we didn’t agree on how to treat reflux on the rash that’s covering 40% of my son’s body. My son wasn’t even seen for that and the man left me standing in the hall with my son in a diaper and a blanket. I felt his manner was very unprofessional. I may not agree with how my clients want to do things, but I don’t walk out on them and don’t even see if there’s something else that needs to be done that day. I’m also capable of listening to my clients and hearing what they have to say. I am insulted that he had no intention of even hearing me out. I did my research on reflux and my son has been doing quite well on his meds until recently which is why I came in asking for a review of his dosage. But apparently since I did not attend medical school I am incapable of being informed or having valid information about a medical condition.


.... said...

Oh GAWD the Blue Clinic....if you are where I think you are go to patient ADVOCACY and just ask to be moved out of the CLINIC!!! TRY THE WHITE CLINIC, ask for a PA named Black...if he is still there...he is great, he was there 2 years ago....

My friend's son has something like this too....and they have had zero luck with it as well...but gosh I have asked her if they have looked into the rare occurance of him having infant psoriasis, you might try using Neutragena (sp terrible today) T-Gel shampoo on his skin (it will not hurt him) the tar shampoo will clear up the drying skin, if it is psoriasis, adding oil or moisturizer makes it worse as psoriasis is a condition of overactive secretion of the glands, I know this because I have his scalp scaling at all or his eyebrows? Her son is over two now and it has really gotten bad....but the hydrocortizone that another reader mentioned is also another treatment but it can be harsh for babies for prolonged use.....just throwing this out there, it is rare for babies to have it, but not unheard could try it on a small patch of skin, see if it helps....

I am so feeling your pain with the hospital thing we went from the BLUE CLINIC to Hospital from HELL, I no longer get treated when I'm sick, they kill you here! But only 4 more months and we get sprung from here, YAY!!!!

GOOD LUCK, poor OZ :( poor MOM

The Mrs. said...

We had similar problems with our sons reflux and the army medical clinic. When he was about a year we finally got him switched off zantac and onto prevacid which was a life saver for us. We were also finally able to get a referral to an outside peds gastro. dr and it was the difference of night and day.

Stand your ground with those idiots. and feel free to email me if you have any questions, we've been dealing with this for almost three years now! Good luck!

ABW said...

We got a referral for a pediatric GI doctor for our son, who comes up from Wilfred Hall once a month. He's been a lifesaver. They gave us prevaic to try until Tricare changed things, and now the drug of choice is Nexium. Huge difference and the doc has us give it to him with applesauce so that it has something acidic to react with and work better. Spitup will still happen, it's the pain part that the medicine helps with. My son's spitup has gotten better, but the constant pain is gone now. Good luck.

Amy said...

I tried to leave a comment a little while ago and am not sure it took. Anyway I am not quite sure how I ran across your blog, but I've been reading it for a few months. We moved to Clarksville the same time you did. I feel your pain with the whole health care thing here. I have had to fight tooth and nail for everything here. Have you tried talking to the patient rep here? She has been very helpful for me on two separate occassions. She was extremely helpful in getting my daughter a referral to Vanderbilt Children's hospital. She also helped me with an issue I had today at that infamous "Blue Clinic" someone mentioned. I would be more than happy to talk about my situation if you want to email me at Whatever happens, Good Luck!

Candace April said...

I had so many similar experiences...I love how they think you can just *poof* get another appointment. The best part is that no matter who you make the appointment with, you'll get whoever happens to be on that day...possibly even the same jerk.

I don't expect every doctor to be up on every new study--but at least LISTEN to parents...especially if the child is already on a doctor-approved course of treatment and you just have to check the dosage for the current weight.
