Hmm well I have absolutely nothing to complain about the next time I start feeling pissy about the world (like yesterday).
You remember PFC Joshua Sparling? He's the young man that was recovering at WRAMC, opened a what appeared to be a get well card from a child only to have it wish him dead. Saldly he was treated quite poorly by SPIRIT airlines not to long ago while trying to get home for some respit. A few VFW men along with a person from the MSIC and the Northwest folks helped to get him home. Gunn Nutt has the letter Mr. Sparling wrote explaining the events in detail.
I agree with ArmyWifeToddlerMom this is a MUST read! It brings a tear to my eye and a feeling of happiness for the kindness of strangers. A big THANK YOU to the folks at Northwest, the VFW veterans and thanks to the Stranger who tore up SPIRIT air and kept on pushing until Josh could get on his flight.
The Milblog Sphere is not small. Businesses who treat veterans poorly will not go un-noticed. I think SPIRIT air should be added to the List. Along with the broad who told Joshua that he deserved what he got by going to war. I know you can't boycott a person but maybe there's a list for flogging instead.
you are right, the blogosphere is only small, when we keep our power limited to the blogosphere. When we take our pwere outside, we make a difference.
you want a turn at my place? Send me an e-mail....
feel free to post almost annything!!
I don't have your email but that's okay. If you have enough ghost writers I am sure you will be fine. Another time!
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