Monday, March 06, 2006

Two Tin Cans & a Hell of a lot of String

The hubby called this weekend to let me know he no longer has easy access to communication devices. He begged the new guy if he could borrow the phone to make a call since the line at the public phones was a few hours long.

Knowing that he can't call on a regular basis anymore just makes it more real for me, he will be home soon. Just like CVG & Hooker's Girl I too will soon be riding the eurphoric high of seeing, holding and giggling over the return of my spouse.

Now if I can only control the darn snowfall! I was stuck in my house all frickin' weekend because nothing was open or shoveling all that dman snow. Either way I got nothing for his return done at all - grrrr!


Anonymous said...

it is like a good movie you have seen before. I know that outcome. But I can't wait until we get to the part where he comes home! UGH!

Rachelle Jones said...

ahh reunion is bliss and anxiety ridden all at once. Keep things in perspective if you can.

CaliValleyGirl said...

Well, the last few days before he came back were crap...but since he has been back, it has been pure bliss. Looking forward to your reunion!