Monday, August 01, 2005

Kitties gone amok

I am pretty disappointed in people today. Last night a neighbor holding a 7 month old kitten (or so) came round the corner asking me if it was mine. My friend and I were on the front step talking and stated it wasn’t. He explained auf Deutsch that the kitty was fighting with his and he was going to place it elsewhere if no one knew who it belonged to.

A few minutes later Mr. Kitty decided to wander up near us. His collar was on too tight and I was concerned about it choking him. After shutting the door so Miss Bella doggie didn’t attempt to play with Mr. Kitty, I was able to pick the cat up. Mr. Kitty was just a’ purring away completely happy to sit in my arms. I loosened his collar as far as it could go without taking it off. This cat was clean and well kept. He was loving, affectionate and didn’t mind being scratched behind the ears. A minute or so later his littermate comes running in our direction. The collar is to tight as well but I couldn’t get that cat to stop and let me fix it. Finally Mr. Kitty clued in on the dog attempting to open the door with the suction of her nose and ran off.

From what I can see, two well kept cats, with collars too small, just now running around the neighborhood appears like someone dumped them. That thought really pisses me off. There are so many places that you could take them. In fact German pounds are against killing healthy animals so they would have been adopted I am sure. It just makes me mad that this problem seems to run mostly in American circles. Sometimes my own nation makes me mad with their “get rid of it when its no longer convenient” attitude. They are really cute and if I can figure out how to get them to think Bella was “cool” I may adopt them. Man, will the hubby be annoyed with me for adopting cats. Okay well he will survive, neither one of us can handle the thought of animals in distress so if he comes home to find two cats and a dog sleeping on his side of the bed he will just have to hear about Mr. Kitty’s adventures.

I am such a sucker for cute animals, how do you think I got the dog? She stood in the pound dirty, matted and skinny looking up at us with those BIG brown eyes, squeaking a squeak toy!


Katy said...

I have a hard time with the dump 'em mentality.

Household6 said...

Sadly, I haven't seen them again. So either someone took them to the German pound (but they don't kill them) or they found a home.

I had even got the hubby to say yes to letting me adopt them. But hopefully they will end up in a good home.


CaliValleyGirl said...

Lol...that is so cute that you even put in the whole work of convincing the hubs to let you keep them. Bless your heart!