Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sleep? Me no need no stinking sleep

My sleeping habits have finally gone to pot. Sleep studies have shown that because you spend the first 18 years or so of life sleeping alone that you tend to get a better night’s sleep when your spouse is gone. I apparently am once again the odd ball who needs him here to get some sleep.

I am definitely a person who needs seven or more hours a sleep a night. I can make do with less if it’s only for a few days here and there. But, if I consistently get less than seven you better watch out as I turn into on cranky bitch! Knowing this I normally maintain a really good sleep regime and hit the bed by 2200 during the week.

Unfortunately I saw this pattern develop where I keep staying up later and later each night before he deployed. It started several months before the deployment as he wasn’t home most of the time attending training or planning conferences. Of course as soon as he returned I was back into the perfect pattern. What so annoying is for the last 3-4 days I’ve gotten maybe four hours sleep and it’s starting to take its toll. The weather is warm, which can make it harder to sleep but this is getting silly. I’ve been migrating slowly from my 2200 ‘hit the racks’ time to now midnight. When you get up at o’dark-thirty (0445) in order to get to work on time, midnight is a really crappy time to go to bed. The sad part is that everyday I tell myself, “okay lets hit the racks by 2230, I need the sleep.” It just doesn’t happen or if it does I can’t sleep and spend three hours tossing and turning trying to fall asleep.

So if you see this silver blur barreling down the autobahn with the driver clutching the steering wheel in one hand and a Redbull in the other, that would be me trying to wake up and get to work on time!

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