Monday, August 06, 2007

If I were a carpenter.....

While sitting with the boy, the dog and the spouse we watched the dog freak out. Of course we telling her to hush and stop barking...okay its more like "shut up please!" Two seconds later, a loud crash and thud takes place. We open the blinds we keep closed to keep the shine off of the TV to see the following:

This apparently is what happens when carpenter ants take residence in your tree. We have a second tree closer to the house that has the same problem but umm is still standing. A tree removal guy is coming on Monday to take care of both. Of course it can't be cheap, but with Oz's room so close to the grouping of trees the second sickly tree is coming out pronto!


ABW said...

Scary stuff! Glad it will be gone soon.

Green said...

Wow! My family had that happen with 4 trees. One we managed to take down ourselves, but 9 hours later, Dad decided he'd pay to have the other three done for him.

Kbear and Jman said...

WOW. Just WOW. And I thought we had ant problems in FL!!!!

Tracy said...

yep, we had those nasty carpenter ants take out one of our trees.

We also took down a HUGE tree that was next to our house. It was living~no carpenter ants, BUT the top of the tree had issues and in windy storms (I'm in WI, there doesn't seem to be any others!) would knock off huge branches and they'd hit the house. Right by the boys room. That was not okay.

We did not have the $$ to pay someone to take the tree down (the trunk was about 30" around). My hubby and his friend rented a cherry picker and took the tree down a little at a time. Then the friend carted off the wood for his wood burning stove. He must have heated his house for a long time with all that wood! LOL

Gail A. said...

Scary, I'm glad nobody was under it at the time.

HH6 I have a question I think you might be able to answer. Can you email me Thanks

Household6 said...

Gail, I tried to email you and it bounced.

Try me at c a l i a p h i @ a o l . c o m

Take out all the spaces of course.